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Warrington Colescott

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Warrington ColescottAmerican, 1921-

Warrington Colescott was born in 1921 at Oakland, California. His education at the University of California, Berkeley, was iinterrupted by WWII, and after four years of service in the Artillery, he returned to Berkeley and took a Master of Arts degree in painting (1947). In 1949 he was invited to join the art faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He remained at Wisconsin, developing and directing their noted program in etching/intaglio printmaking. For five years he held the Leo Steppat Professorship in the Graphics Area, and at various times was chairman of that area and of the Department of Art. He is now Emeritus Professor.

During leave from Wisconsin he studied in Paris at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere (1953), was a Fulbright Fellow to England (1957), and a Guggenheim Fellow in England (1965). Research Grants from the University of Wisconsin Graduate School at various periods helped him to travel and work in France, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Morocco, completing projects in printmaking, painting, and book illustration.

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Picasso at the Zoo
Object Name: Print
Warrington Colescott
Object number: um87.4