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Munamee Sarko

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Munamee Sarko(Inuit, b. 1917)

(1917- ) of Cape Dorset

"I was born in a winter camp near Dorset. I used to remember how old I was

but I have a poor memory and have forgotten now. I know it was around the

time Cape Dorset became a settlement. I was born in an igloo. My father was

Towatuga and my mother was Karalooatoo... . When I was young I loved to

follow my grandfather and the other men in the camp hunting. I don't remember

what it was like to hunt with spears and harpoons since most of the men had

rifles. As a boy I was afraid of whiteman because I imagined they wanted to

kidnap me... .

When I was a teenager I started to carve. At first I used to sit and etch

many ivory tusks. I later carved stone. My family needed money or food so

this is why I carved. I enjoy carving women out of hard dark stone best. For

many years I have carved. I usually carve every day. I have no other job."

from an interview with the artist

(date unknown)

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1 results
Object Name: Carving
Munamee Sarko
Object number: UM2014.87