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Tilly Woodward

Artist Info
Tilly Woodward(American, b. 1957)

Tilly Woodward’s oil paintings are hyper-realistic representations of both natural and manmade objects that hold memory and meaning. A commitment to slowing down to see an object clearly, and recognize beauty through close observation and meticulous detail is at the heart of her process. This ability to look carefully developed during her childhood on an isolated family farm, which provided long hours to gaze at sky, earth, animals and plants, and carries forward in her paintings. Northern Renaissance paintings with their symbolic content and rich detail are also an influence. Woodward has a B.F.A form the Kansas City Art Institute and an M.F.A. from the University Kansas. She was the founding director of the Pella Art Center and taught at Central College in Pella, Iowa for numerous years. She is currently the Curator of Academic and Public Outreach with the Faulconer Gallery at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa. Woodward has long been a champion and collaborator for many public art programs and outreach projects, working with communities throughout the state of Iowa, as well as in Ghana. Her art has been exhibited throughout the United States and internationally and she has been awarded numerous grants and awards including two NEA Drawing Fellowships. Woodward is an inspiring member of the Iowa art community.

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3 results
Birthday Nest
Object Name: Oil on archival mat board
Tilly Woodward
Object number: U2019.12
Copper's Curb Chain and Nest
Object Name: Oil on archival mat board
Tilly Woodward
Object number: U2019.13
Five Quail Eggs
Object Name: Painting
Tilly Woodward
Object number: UM2015.16