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Ethel Julia Bouffleur

Artist Info
Ethel Julia BouffleurAmerican, 1894 - 1985

Bouffleur, a graduate from the University of Washington, taught at ISC from 1922 until 1924 under the direction of Paul Cox.


Since 1915 work has been given to students of the Division of Home Economics and others in modeled pottery. Miss Ethel J. Bouflleur from the University of Washington was selected to conduct these courses [at Iowa State College]. There have been from 10 to 14 students entered for the four-year course the past three years, and there have been as many as 60 students per quarter from other departments for work in modeled pottery. There has never been fewer than 20 enrolled for this popular course.

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, DEPARTMENT OF CERAMIC ENGINEERING OF IOWA STATE COLLEGE. Author Paul E. Cox. First published: January 1923. vol. 6 isssue 1

Bouffleur, a graduate from the University of Washington, taught at ISC from 1922 until 1924 under the direction of Paul Cox. Information about Bouffleur and ISC can be found in Ken Forster’s “Alternative American Ceramics 1870 - 1955” on pages 129 to 133.

Ethel Bouffleur BEHNCKE (XX)

Birth place: Tacoma, WA

Addresses: Oshkosh, WI

Profession: Educator, designer, lecturer

1925-1963: Behncke was a painter, art scholar, and Director of Art at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.

Studied: Univ. Washington, B.E.; Univ. Chicago, M.A.; Chicago Acad. FA, and with Nile Behncke, and others.

Exhibited: Awards: Julia Piatt F., AAUW, for European study.

Member: AAUW (life); NEA; Wisconsin A. Edu. Assn.; NAEA; Nat. Assn. for Higher Edu.; Wisconsin Acad. A. & Lets.; Bd. Memb. & Program Chm., Paine A. Center.

Comments: Contributor to Design Magazine. Lectures: Modern Art, Interior Design, Art Education, History of Art; supv., Fed. A. Project for N.E. Section of Wisconsin. Positions: t., Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa; chm. A. Dept., prof., Wisconsin State University, Oshkosh, WI.

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3 results
Object Name: Vase
Ethel Julia Bouffleur
Object number: 87.327
Object Name: Vase
Ethel Julia Bouffleur
Object number: 87.326
Object Name: Vase
Ethel Julia Bouffleur
Object number: 87.328