James Earle Fraser
Born in Wimona, MN. on Nov. 4, 1876. Grew up in North Dakota. Father was a railway employee. In 1889 Fraser took classes at the Chicago Art Institute. Fraser became assistant to sculptor Richard Bock in 1890. In 1894 went to Paris to Ecole des Beaux Arts. Returned to US in 1900 and established studio in NY. From 1898-1907 Fraser was an assistant to sculptor, Angustus Saint-Gaudens. 1906-19ll Fraser taught at the Art Students League, New York. 1913 was commissioned to design the Buffalo/Indian Head Nickle. 1916-1924 Fraser was appointed as a member of the Commission of Fine Arts in Washington, D.C. Specialized in busts of children. His most famous sculpture, "The End of the Trial" brought him and abundance of comm. Fraser died on October 11, 1953.